How to Evaluate a Roofing System Package

Prospective clients who want to replace their roofs but are still determining where to begin frequently approach roofing companies seeking assistance.

Prospective clients who want to replace their roofs but are still determining where to begin frequently approach roofing companies seeking assistance. There are numerous roofing companies on the market, different roofing systems, and various concerns to consider, from aesthetics to energy efficiency and the ever-present budget issue. A professional roofing company can provide guidance and expertise through the maze of residential or commercial roof replacement.

Reliable roofing contractors consistently recommend a roofing system package to customers. Packages bundle the fundamental components of a roofing job—materials, labor, warranties, and more—into a single price point. Doing so alleviates cost confusion without sacrificing quality or experience.

Here’s a simple guide to help consumers evaluate the right package for their property.

Industry certifications

Many consumers aren’t aware that certifications are an essential component of the roofing industry. Roofs represent a significant investment for homeowners, and it’s easy for manufacturers to earn a bad reputation if a contractor installs a roof poorly.

To prevent such occurrences from happening, many roofing manufacturers have developed rigorous certifications that evaluate a contractor’s business practices, legal and financial history, peer and customer references, and roofing expertise.

Certified contractors have also typically undergone specialized training. Doing business with certified contractors can increase a property owner’s confidence in various factors.


Depending upon the selected roofing system, consumers often will be offered a warranty. Each brand and product is unique in terms of the offered warranty, which range from ten to fifty years or more. For particular products, some manufacturers offer lifetime warranties.

There are several elements that influence a warranty, from brand to cost to the certification status of the contractor. The longer the warranty a property owner can secure, the better their protection over the long term.


Many different roofing systems and material options are available, from basic traditional asphalt shingles and slate to designer, stone-coated steel. The right package for the consumer considers the property’s needs and design goals. For example, the consumer needs to be assured that the style and colors complement the existing design and achieve the desired look. It’s also important to consider durability, advantages such as energy efficiency, and resistance to the elements and UV light.


The installation component of a package will give important insights into the actual roofing experience. Therefore, a consumer should consider the installation plans carefully to ensure that the contractor will provide the expected level of customer service and attention to detail.

Additional questions to ask the prospective roofing contractor

  • Approximately how long will the job take?

  • What kind of flexibility is offered in scheduling the work?

  • How large will the crew that works on the job be, and how will it be managed?

  • What are customer service options offered should questions or concerns arise during or after the project?

Roofing system packages have numerous advantages for roofing customers, allowing property owners to customize their needs and experience while controlling costs. Contact a reliable, professional contractor for commercial or residential roofing needs.

Nimble Restoration Services offers ten years of experience in restoration construction and roofing repair and replacement for residential and commercial structures in McKinney, Tx. Our client information service ensures our customers understand their needs and the best materials for their circumstances. We offer roof inspections and tune-ups. We believe our integrity and service are unmatched. RCAT licensed and insured. Woman-owned. Emergency services are available. Call us now at (214) 833-7517.


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